Team members and specialists in alphabetical order:
For an overview in order of specialism, see here.
For field school students, see here.
AbdelHakim Karrar (Excavation team, SCA 2002)
AbderRahim, Mazhar Ezzat (Ceramics specialist, 2009)
Afifi Rohayem Afifi (Excavation team, SCA 2004)
Alvarez, Miguel (Excavation assistant, UCLA 2005)
Ashley, Kate (Site management specialist, 2011)
Ashraf el-Senoussi (Ceramics specialist, SCA 2002)
Austin, Anne (Surface study/collection (Karanis cemetery), UCLA 2008 - 2010)
Barker, Thomas (Prehistorian, 2009)
Barnard, Hans (Survey, UCLA 2002 - 2011)
Batcheller, Jane (Textile specialist, freelance 2007, 2010)
Bechmann-Olesen, Karina (Trench supervisor, 2009, 2010)
Betti, Marianne (Zooarchaeology, UCLA 2004 - 2006)
Blackamore Nigel (Photographer, freelance 2002)
Boere, Marlene (Archaeobotany, 2009)
Bolhuis, Erwin (Survey, RUG 2008)
Bos, Jolanda (Landscape/site management, TR 2005 - 2011)
Bruning, Lauren (Excavation team, freelance 2002)
Buszek, Artur (Geophysical team, WU 2006)
Caldwell, Anthony (Architectural specialist, 2010)
Cappers, René (Director, Archaeobotany, RUG/UL 2002 - 2010)
Chin-Perez, Monica (Registrar, 2009)
Cole, Emily (Excavation team, UCLA 2007 - 2011)
Collazi, Charlene (Excavation assistant, UCLA 2008)
Cook, James (Excavation team,2007, 2008)
Damiata, Brian (Geoarchaeology, UCLA 2003)
Deras, Abigail (Registrar, UCLA 2006)
Ditchfield, Kane (Prehistorian, 2009, 2010)
Droogsma, Sander (Archaeobotany, RUG 2004)
Duistermaat, Kim (Worked bone, NVIC 2007)
Eichelberger, Justin (Excavation team, 2005)
Ellis, Erica (Excavation assistant, UCLA 2005)
Emmitt, Joshua (Prehistorian, 2009, 2010)
Fantoni, Federica (Archaeobotanist, 2010)
Fathi Abu-Zeid (Excavation team, SCA 2002)
Fischer, Christian (Geoarchaeology, UCLA 2006, 2007 )
Flohr, Pascal (Archaeobotany, UL 2007)
Gatto, Maria (Survey, Ceramics specialist, SR 2003 - 2005)
Goddard, Melina (Excavation team 2006, Survey 2008, UA)
Gupta, Sonali (Ceramics specialist, UCLA 2006 - 2010)
Guttman-Bond, Erika (Geomorphologist, 2010)
Hamed Yussef (Landscape/site management, freelance 2008)
Hardy, Argus (architect Beyt Sobek) (Landscape/site management 2007, 2008)
Heijen, Ingrid (Archaeobotany, RUG 2005)
Heinrich, Frederik (Archaeobotanist, 2010)
Herbich, Thomasz (Geophysical team, WU 2004, 2006)
Herbin, Frédéric (Trench supervisor, 2009)
Hitchcock, Louise (Excavation team, UCLA 2002)
Hjulstad, Guro (Conservator, MCH 2006 - 2008 )
Holdaway, Simon (Director, Survey, UA 2007 - 2010)
Holdaway, Emma (Survey, UA 2008)
Ietswaart, Anna (Excavation assistant, website UL 2008)
Jacobson, Michelle (Architectural specialist, 2010)
Jones, Daniel (Trench supervisor, 2009 - 2011)
Jurjens, Judith (Registrar, UL 2005)
Kamel, Mohsen (Excavation team, UCLA 2002 - 2004 )
King, Meryl (Trench supervisor, UCLA 2010)
Klerkx, Laura (Archaeobotany, 2009, 2010)
Kluiving, Sjoerd (Geoarchaeology, VU 2007, 2008)
Koopman, Annelies (Geoarchaeology, VU 2007, 2008, 2010)
La Favre, Karl (Survey, UCLA 2011)
Lamia El-Hadidi (Conservator, freelance 2002)
Le, Kimberly (Geoarchaeology, UCD 2005, 2006 )
Lehner, Joseph (Photographer, UCLA 2010)
Lin, Sam (Survey, UA 2008)
Linnell, Tamzin (Prehistorian, 2009)
Linseele, Veerle (Zooarchaeology, KUL 2006 - 2009)
Londeman, Willem (Excavation team, UL 2007)
Long, Christina (Photographer, UCLA 2008, 2009)
Lords, Krystal (Excavation team, UCLA 2008)
Lynch, John (Excavation team, UCLA 2002)
MacDonald, Glen (Geoarchaeology, UCLA 2008, 2010)
Marston, Mac (Archaeobotany, UCLA 2007, 2009)
Martinez, Jessica (Registrar, CSLA 2007)
Meijers, Amber (Registrar, UCLA 2003, 2004)
Melkert, Marian (Surface study/collection, (Mudbrick) VU 2007, 2008)
Menchen, Sadie (Registrar, 2010)
Merriman, Rebekah (Excavation team, UA 2006)
Morris, Suzanne (Conservator, UCLA 2009, 2011)
Muir, Arthur (Surface study/collection, (el-Qarah el Hamra coins UCLA 2004)
Mustafa AbdelQadr (Archaeobotany, freelance 2002 - 2005)
Myers, Amber (Excavation assistant, UCLA 2003)
Naesborg, Maria (Trench supervisor, 2010)
Nagwan Bahaa el-Hadidi (Trench supervisor, 2010)
Nasordeen, Shezani (Survey, UA 2008 - 2010)
Nevine Moussa (Excavation assistant, SCA 2007)
Nicholson, Paul (Glass specialist, 2010)
Nigra, Ben (Survey, UCLA 2011)
Oeters, Vincent (Excavation team, registrar, UL 2008)
Oostenrijk, van, Jurgen (Excavation team, UL 2008)
Ormeling, Rinus (Archaeobotany, Surface study/collection (Mudbrick), Trench supervisor, UL 2008, 2010)
Owen, Lewis (Geoarchaeology, UC 2003, 2004, 2008)
Palmer, Stacey (Prehistorian, 2010)
Pansire, Kandace (Excavation assistant 2004, Excavation team 2005, Surface study/collection, (Karanis mill stones) UCLA 2006)
Pelt, van, Paul (Excavation team, registrar, UL 2008, 2010)
Phillipps, Rebecca (Lithics specialist, Survey, UA 2004 - 2010)
Phillips, Natasha (Survey, UA 2008 - 2010)
Pietrzak, Sebastian (Geophysical team, WU 2006)
Rabie Eissa Mohamed (Excavation team, SCA 2008 - 2010)
Reda Sayed Hassan (Landscape/site management, freelance 2008)
Roode, van Sigrid (Photographer, freelance 2006, 2007)
Rooij, van, Jeroen (Archaeobotany, RUG 2006)
Rooijakkers, Tineke (Artist, UL 2008)
Schepers, Mans (Archaeobotany, RUG 2005, 2006)
Seldenthuis Bastiaan (Photographer, freelance 2005 - 2007)
Shirai, Noriyuki (Survey, Lithics specialist UL 2003 - 2006)
Simon, Katie (Survey, 2010)
Simpson, Bethany (Excavation team, registrar, architectural specialist, UCLA 2007 - 2010)
Sobhy Rizkallah, Ashraf (Excavation team, SCA 2006, 2008)
Stewart, Anna (Prehistorian, 2010)
Stuart, Ken (Registrar, UCLA 2002)
Sullivan, Elaine (Terracotta specialist, UCLA 2009, 2010)
Susak, Angela (Excavation team, Glass specialist, UCLA 2006 - 2010)
Then, Joanna (Excavation team, WU 2005)
Thys, Sofie (Zooarchaeology, KUL 2007, 2008)
Tiebackx, Sander (Survey, RUG 2008, 2009)
Van Neer, Wim (Zooarchaeology, KUL 2005 - 2007)
Veen, van der, Jasmijn (Archaeobotany, RUG 2008)
Vermeeren, Caroline (Archaeobotany, 2009, 2010)
Wake, Thomas (Zooarchaeology, UCLA 2002)
Warne, Dan (Excavation assistant, 2009)
Wells, Eric (Excavation assistant, Survey 2004, Excavation team 2005, UCLA)
Wendrich, Willeke (Director, Excavation team, UCLA 2002 - 2011)
White, A.J. (Survey, UCLA 2011)
Whitmore, Deidre (Artist, 2009)
Winiata, Leigh (Excavation team, UA 2006)
Winkels, Alexandra (Conservator, 2011)
de Wit, Tonny (Ceramics specialist, UL 2005 - 2009)
Zarnoch, Carrie (Excavation team, UCLA 2007)
Zineldeen, Rania (Excavation assistant, 2009)
CSLA = California State University Los Angeles (USA)
KUL = Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
MCH = Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo (Norway)
NTNU = Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim (Norway)
RUG = Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (The Netherlands)
SR = La Sapienza, Rome
TR = The Recollective (The Netherlands)
UA = University of Auckland (New Zealand)
UC = University of Cincinnati (USA)
UCD = University of California, Davis (USA)
UCLA = University of California, Los Angeles (USA)
UL = Universiteit Leiden (The Netherlands)
UM = University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA)
VU = Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
WU = Warsaw University (Poland)